Jewel's Gear
Jewel's Gear
CS 450 desktop
RME Fireface 802 soundcard
Keyboard controllers: Physis K4, Seaboard Rise 49 (and I also have an old Korg Wavestation and a wonderful Ensoniq EPS from my old days)
Breath controller: Hornberg Hb1
Software controllers: Behringer X-Touch Mini; NakedBoards Midi Controller24
Software: Cubase 13, and samplers include HALion 6, Padshop2, PhasePlant, Roli Equator2, Izotope Iris2
FX: Cubase stock fx, SoundToys, Cableguys, Izotope RX 8 Advanced and other wonderful oddities, KiloHearts, Eventide, Exponential Audio reverbs, Polyverse, Palindrome, Infected Mushroom among others. (And I also have a special ART Multiverb from the old days that I pet every night)
Genelec speakers
The ever necessary Furman PL Plus C and Furman F1000 UPS for those live-in-the-country electric showdown times (which happen most frequently when my neighbor turns on his huge pivot for irrigating).
Travel toys include the Korg nanoKey and Artiphon Orba.