Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks posted the song Pulse Song Mastering Comp Exp 03

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks posted the song Where Is This Taking Me

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks updated the album My Sister's Beautiful Heart

My Sister's Beautiful Heart
Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks updated the album My Sister's Beautiful Heart

My Sister's Beautiful Heart
Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks updated the album My Sister's Beautiful Heart

My Sister's Beautiful Heart
Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks updated the album My Sister's Beautiful Heart

My Sister's Beautiful Heart
Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks posted the album My Sister's Beautiful Heart

My Sister's Beautiful Heart
Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks posted the song 9 (Bill) Donkeys Protect Their Friends

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks updated the song 4 (Bill) They Graze As The Magpie Rides Along

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks posted the song 4 (Bill) They Graze As The Magpie Rides Along

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks posted the song Their Last Journey

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo

Jewel Dirks

Jewel Dirks uploaded a photo